Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I loved the idea of writing this blog. I can honestly say that I was ecstatic about the whole thing. The problem arose when I lost sight of what I wanted this blog to actually represent. I let it become a place where I focused entirely on the ridiculous shit that my friends and I pull Monday-Friday on any given week. Although my junior year has consisted of an abundance of ridiculousness, there are so many other things that I could have and wish that I talked about. My junior year is approaching its end and I look back on the different emotions that I have felt in this school. I have felt embarrassed, I have felt confident. I have felt stupid, I have felt proud of my wit. I have felt upset and cried in a public setting, I have felt genuinely happy and shared laughs with my friends that blend into one priceless memory. These are relatable things that every high school student has felt. I sort of regret not using this angle while attacking the Catholic School topic. I love talking about the crazy shit that my friends and I do but that gets old. I honestly sit in the nurse for at least 2 periods every day. I stayed in the library today without a pass for THREE straight periods because... well... I was bored and the "nice librarians" were here today and not that bitchy one with the fat ass. So, yes.. my shenanigans continue yet I doubt anyone wants to read about a girl who skips class all the time and tells you how she does it. That's no fun at all. I just re-read my introduction to this blog and am sad to see how far I have drifted from the goal I once had and was once so excited about. I wish I had told stories of Mrs. Reilly and her pathetic attempt to control a Spanish class, or the way it feels to find out that one of your really good friends "tears you apart" behind your back, or even how it feels to get caught cheating 4 times on the same algebra test and getting SCREAMED at in front of your entire class. That's my high school. That was my junior year and I so regret not being able to bust out some more of these entries. Finals are next week and my Catholic School Chronicles are reaching their final chapters (for now at least). I say final chapter"s" because I plan to try my hardest and crank out some more of these entries while I still can say that I am a junior in Catholic School.

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